Monday, October 28, 2013

Killy Mockstar Day 2

With the Killy Mockstar band parts recorded, we spent the morning cleaning up small bits and overdubbing some Beatbox tracks with the "Human Drum Machine". 

Then it was onto recording one of my favorite things to do, guitar overdubs. First we did a quick acoustic track. Simple and easy, with the Martin and the U87, you can't go wrong. That was finished in a flash. Then, for the big electric sound, I used my little homemade radio amp. Its a 1940's tube radio converted into a guitar amp. It has a great overdrive if you turn it up pretty loud. I wore my earplugs for this one. I put a Sennheiser E609 up on the face just off center, and add the U87 about 5 feet back for some room. It scared off most of the crew for a short while. Mike, the guitar player, was quick and well performed so things went really quick and smooth. 

Then we found out Lou Reed died. Lou Fucking Reed. A one of a kind NY treasure. I say NY treasure because I want to feel like he was ours, but he truly was this worlds and beyond. He shaped a big part of my musical love life and it left an uneasy feeling in my heart. We all paused a moment to take it in, and then I did the only thing that I can do with news like that. I put my head down and headed full steam ahead into work.

With all of the band overdubs complete, it was time to move onto vocals. Kelly and I encouraged the band to get the F* out so we could focus. Kelly had some pretty solid foundation in her scratch vocals, which can make you feel confident knowing you've already got it good. My focus was on getting her to perform like a live show. She terrorizes audiences and its so incredible to see and hear, I myself, as a fan of their band, wanted to see and hear that. 

With a quick pep talk and a couple of swigs of whisky, we were underway. Here's a few picks which I think explain it better. We got there and then some. A little later in the day, Pamela, the backing vocalist came in to lay down her sweet sounds. She was a pro and we had a good vibe and work flow immediately. She came prepared and willing to improvise. We knocked out 2 songs of lead vocal and three songs of back ups.

We didn't finish everything in these two days. But we also didn't rush to a finish line. Kelly and I are getting back together on Tuesday and I think its good to have a day between what we've put together so far and the final mixes. I feel good about it and know the band is going to love the way Kelly Killed the Band!

xoxo - RIP - Lou Reed

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this instant play-by-play of the weekend's work. You've been fantastic to work with and I await the final result with hot glowing anticipation.
